
The Power System Planning and Operations Interest Group initiates research, exchange of technical information, and best practices on topics associated with the power system’s changing nature.

The power system is currently in a state of flux from one that delivered energy from large, centralized power plants to electricity consumers, to one that interconnects large numbers of smaller, distributed resources with those of the legacy power system to meet customers’ energy needs.

Focus areas

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    Advances in Power System Modelling and Analysis
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    Use of New Technologies and Tools in the Power System
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    Maximizing Transmission Capabilities
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    Integrating Renewable Generation Sources and Storage Technologies
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This group is for

Power system planners, interconnections engineers, system planning engineers, transmission systems operators (TSOs), independent system operators (ISOs), and transmission planners
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Technical Advisor Support
John Sabiston
John Sabiston
Power System Planning & Operations

John Sabiston (B.Sc., P.Eng.) has over 35 years of power utility experience at Ontario Hydro/ Hydro One. He specializes in the area of transmission system planning and has been responsible for developing plans and gaining approvals for over $2 billion worth of work over his career. He has participated in the Northeast Power Coordinating Council for 25 years.

Top Resources
Guidelines for Planning and Operating a Power System with a Low Short-Circuit Ratio
This report provides guidelines for planning and operating power systems with low short-circuit ratios. Its findings summarize best practices for the power industry as power systems transition from synchronous generator-dominated to high penetration of renewable energy-based power generation. The report concludes with a detailed summary of lessons learned and insights gained from utilities' experiences in managing and integrating renewable energy into their systems, in addition to the grid code review.
Best Practices for Incorporating Probabilistic Planning into Transmission Planning
This project reviews and assesses the state of industry practice in the probabilistic planning of transmission systems. The goal is to share knowledge with transmission planners about the effective use of probabilistic planning within the overall transmission planning process. This project also identifies 1) impediments that may constrain the widespread implementation of transmission probabilistic or risk-based assessments and 2) suitable tools for carrying out probabilistic planning.
Survey on Practices for Integrating Battery Storage into a Power System
This report outlines a framework, success cases, and best practices for the conceptual design and operation of a battery system in an electric grid, with a focus on applications at the utility-scale level. The project also aims to develop a general understanding of the battery energy storage system supply chain, including major players such as: battery and accessory manufacturers, system integrators, commercial and industrial consumers, solar and wind companies, and T&D utilities. A virtual technical workshop on Grid-Scale Battery Energy Storage Systems was also organized as part of this project.
Best Practices to Obtain and Verify EMT Models
This report provides in-depth technical information concerning the requirements of electromagnetic transient type models. This information can be used by CEATI members, and the electric power industry in general, when requesting simulation models from third-party proponents who will be connecting equipment to a power system owned or operated by the entity. The report aims to serve as a comprehensive guide and reference, offering a clearer understanding of what is expected and required when requesting simulation models.
Power Systems Computer Aided Design (PSCAD) Training Series
The PSCAD training series, comprised of four modules, provides participants with the required technical and engineering background on renewable integration and related issues. The modules include PSCAD hands-on tutorials and cover a range of topics, including: transformer energizing, line resonance, and breaker transient recovery voltage; power electronic models and controls; review of solar PV and wind turbine generator models; wind integration study; development of the transmission/distribution system model around the point of interconnection; model validation, inclusion of transmission network details, and inclusion of generators and dynamic devices; inclusion of SVC, STATCOM, and energy storage; and inclusion of synchronous condensers.