
The Energy & Integration Strategy Interest Group focuses on scouting, evaluating, and demonstrating various emerging technologies and grid options that, whether standalone or in concert, will enable a net zero carbon power system, while maintaining resource adequacy, grid reliability, and affordability.

Consideration is given to the transformation of the energy system, including energy carriers (e.g., hydrogen, ammonia, biofuels), and requirements for economy-wide electrification. The question of associated T&D designs/paradigms to support more renewable integration and supply are also considered.

Focus areas

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    Scenario and Resources Planning and Techno-economic Trending for Generation and Storage
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    Policy and Strategy Integration of Distributed Energy Resources
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    Decarbonization Pathways and the Role of Utilities
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    Infrastructure to Support New and High Levels of Grid-edge Technologies
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    Impact of Advanced Tools and Technologies to Drive Innovation
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This group is for

Managers and directors of planning and R&D, energy resource planners and analysts, and specialist positions on alternative energy, emerging technologies, innovation, and strategic partnerships
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Technical Advisor Support
Doug Campbell
Doug Campbell
Energy Integration and Strategy and Thermal Generation

Doug Campbell (B.Sc., B.Eng., M.Sc., P.Eng.) is a Professional Engineer with over 45 years of experience. He developed a wide range of technical skills associated with the design, construction, and start-up of new generation. He has been involved in providing expert advice on new and developing technologies to support the transformation of the electrical grid. His current work includes providing insights to the progress in these developments, especially as related to a low carbon world.

Top Resources
Emerging Energy Technologies to Support a Low-Carbon Grid: Technical and Market Assessment
This study provides a comprehensive summary of the market and state-of-technology for wind, nuclear, carbon capture and sequestration, carbon capture and utilization, fuel cell technology, low carbon fuel, ocean technology, and edge-of-grid areas of renewable energy. To understand and compare these established and developmental technologies, extensive literature reviews were performed to assess their technology readiness, capital and O&M costs, environmental attributes, challenges and benefits, market drivers and barriers, and provide a qualitative risk assessment.
Grid-Interconnected Power Converter Performance and Reliability: Technical Evaluation
This report provides a comprehensive and well-referenced guide on the state of utility-scale power conversion technologies. As the penetration of inverter-based resources (IBRs) has increased significantly over the last decade, the average price of inverter products has decreased. In this report, IBRs are evaluated based on cost to understand the market forces that have influenced their increased adoption. The report also includes a grid services framework that is applied to segment the capabilities of conventional generation technologies and compare these with power conversion technologies.
End-of-Life Management for Wind, Solar PV, and Lithium-Ion Battery Assets
This report presents an overview of current disposal and recycling methods for commercially prevalent renewable technologies in Canada and the U.S. It summarizes the three main recycling methods used to dispose of wind turbine blades, ground-mounted solar PV modules, and lithium-ion batteries: mechanical, thermal, and chemical recycling. For each technology, the recycling processes are compared on their technology readiness level, environmental impact, and economic feasibility to best advise utility-scale wind, solar PV, and battery owners on decommissioning and disposal methods.
Scaling Direct Air Capture Technology - A Utility's Perspective
This webinar focuses on the aspects of scaling direct air capture (DAC) that are most relevant to engineering and innovation leaders at utilities. It discusses the heat, electrical, water, steam, and other resource requirements involved in scaling various DAC technologies, and how these map to utility services already under operation. The session also highlights how these requirements vary by DAC technology and service territory or geography.
Escher and the Art of Integrated Resource Planning
To determine how potential resource portfolios could perform in different market and external conditions, the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) uses an integrated, least-cost framework that considers multiple views of the future. The end goal is to identify a resource plan that performs well under a variety of future conditions, considering cost, risk, environmental stewardship, operational flexibility, and regional economics. This webinar explores the process that TVA uses to reach that goal based on lessons learned from their last three integrated resource planning (IRP) studies and touches on some new challenges they are facing in their current IRP work.