
The reliable, selective, and high-speed performance of protection and control devices throughout the power system is necessary to mitigate damage to vital and expensive system equipment, reduce the risk of serious personal danger, and to maintain power system stability and acceptable power quality.

The Protection & Control Interest Group brings industry professionals together to identify, discuss, and develop solutions to common, as well as new and emerging, issues. 

Focus areas

  • Benefit-arrowimg
    P&C Management: Assets, Strategies, Planning, Training and, Processes
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    Testing, Maintenance, and Commissioning
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    Designs, Standards, and Good Utility Practices
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    Automation/Digital Stations/Smart Systems
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    New and Emerging Protection Technologies
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    P&C Compliance

This group is for

Protection and control engineers, subject matter experts, and managers
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John Ciufo
John Ciufo
Protection & Control

John Ciufo is a Professional Electrical Engineer with over 40 years of electric utility experience in areas such as protection engineering, smart grid, asset management, development strategies, policies, functional and design standards, regulatory compliance, and cyber security. Mr. Cuifo has been a corporate sponsor for many R&D projects.

Top Resources
Protection Self-Training Modules Series
These self-training protection modules facilitate knowledge transfer via the use of a structured set of self-study programs. There are currently four modules completed: Power System Protection, Generators, Distribution, and Transformer & Bus. The next module of the series will focus on Inverter-based Resource Systems and Protection.
NERC Standard Training Workshop Series
This virtual training course covers testing and model verification performed per the current versions of NERC standard(s) MOD-025-2, MOD-026-1, MOD-027-1, and applicable regional and ISO standards. The training includes an introduction, a brief explanation of the standards, as well as test, simulation, and reporting requirements. Additionally, plant and office staff and unit load schedule requirements are provided for each MOD, including logistics of preparation with head office, ISO, protection group, etc.
Digital Stations Implementation Guide
The digital revolution is continuously evolving in the power industry. IEC 61850 is gaining more ground in substations and beyond. CEATI members can use this guidance document to develop company-specific digital station implementations. This is the first in a series of planned guides on this subject. Guidance is provided via the use of a virtual application example that can be used to further support the development of in-house digital station applications.
Protection Routine Maintenance Guide and Testing Per Standard PRC-005
This guide summarizes NERC PRC-005 and addresses the types of testing that may be utilized, how often, and how monitoring may contribute to decrease/modified maintenance intervals, while still complying with the NERC standard. It also highlights how extending the maintenance interval can have a dramatic impact on operational expenses for utilities.
End of Useful Life Assessment Guide for RTU/Control Systems
This report includes an end-of-life assessment guide and methodology to determine whether a control system is reaching its end of useful life. The guidance focuses on the major remote terminal units (RTUs) and control devices, and their connection and wiring peripherals. Asset degradation curves are presented for different types of devices in RTU systems, based on industry practice and utilities’ historic removal and replacement records. The results of the assessments and analyses can be used to support relay replacement/refurbishment business cases.